2007年5月30日 星期三

Effects of Technology

In this age, technology let our life be more and more convenient. Take a look around our life, you can see technological charge anywhere. For example, cars,
televisions, cell phones…, these technological charge make
our life faster, more pleasant, no distance.
In the other hand, these products also bring some strict
disasters. Air pollution, green-house effect both are typical examples. Do you know? The two effects influence the weather deeply. The effects make some original disaster be more serious, like typhoons, floods, and tsunamis! The reasons are “cars make
carbon dioxide keep rising, then temperature goes on. The result is that Antarctic and Arctic’s ice melting cause the sea level rise!
Above all, technology is our trend, we must learn how to get the balance between nature and technology! No doubly, nobody want to see the disaster happening again and again!

1 則留言:

Happy 提到...


Why don't your finish it? hold your dueday; or it can be flunked!